Why a Prayer and Fast? What is Fasting with Prayer?
Fasting is basically abstaining from foods . ( We will discuss different forms of fast in the next posts)
Fasting and Prayer is abstaining from food for Spiritual reasons.
Here are 7 practical steps on Fasting and Prayer for you.
Start with a clear goal.

The Goal setting packet was sent out on Whatsapp. Take some time to set your goals.
2. Prepare Spiritually for the Fast. and during the fast.
How do we prepare spiritually?
Confess your sins to God. Ask God to show you what in your life needs to be forgiven and ask Him to deliver you from it.
You can think of people you have wronged or wronged you and surrender it to God in Jesus's name.
Humbling oneself actually moves and humbles us , not God. Fasting is a form of humbling oneself.

3. Deciding What to Fast From?
Very important - you need to contact your medical professionals to get advise on Fasting first, especially, if you have illness. (example diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol issues, or any form of illnesses),
I am not recommending a whole fast for anyone. I have never done a whole fast. I have always done partial fasting for the 40 days.
This year i am going to do the Daniel Fast.

You can fast from certain foods; like meat, Carbohydrates, sugar, processed foods , diary, snacks or eating out, etc.
Even though fasting is to abstain from food you can also stay away from other activities . Use this time to reflect on and spend time with God.
You can fast from;
Social media
Eating out
Television - Netflix, Movies, etc.
Worldly music
Procrastinating and laziness, etc.
4. How long to Fast and Prayer?
I normally do a partial fast by eliminating certain foods for the whole 40 days.
You can also fast for 1 or 2 days a week. or come up with a method that suits you.
Just remember, consult you medical professionals before you do any fasting.
Very important - Fasting is not a physical exercise. It is sustained by the Holy Spirit. The best fast you can do is the one lead by the Lord.
It is easier to do a prolonged fast when He leads you to it. Just be obedient to the Holy Spirit on how you should fast.
5. What to expect during the fast?
Temptation is going to present itself during the fast. You will feel hunger and have withdrawal symptoms from the things you gave up. At this point your body denied the options to make choices. You are relying on the Holy Spirit to make choices. Because of this reversed role , your sole is afflicted. My advice is to stay the course even if you become cranky, moody or discouraged. Your goal is to choose to finish the fast with persistent prayer because you want to make a change in your life. My advice is to delve deeper in prayer and Bible reading and anything to remind you of God's goodness.
6. Replace eating with reading the Bible or prayer. Also you can listen to sermons , christian music or Bible movies like the chosen, etc. You can also do some thing good for someone else to take your mind of food.

6. How to end your fast?
End your fast slowly by having broths , soups or teas and smoothies. Do not eat heavy food too quickly. Praise God you made it to the end of your fast and prayer and you accomplished the goal.
I applaud you and congratulations. I am very proud of you for staying the course.