Christian Media REVIEWS
This page is a place where we can share interesting christian media, like books, or movies with each other and review them. Every now and again an amazing piece of media comes along and changes your life;
We want to hear about it!

Mark of the Lion
by Francine Rivers
A book for wavering faith
I picked up this book in a time was upset with God... Again. I had just gotten all I prayed day and night for and I thought God would finally leave me in peace. I knew better, but tried everything to hope this time God will take pity on me, and see how broken and tired I was. I hoped He would give me solace for my weary soul. Shortly I started seeing all I had worked for crumbling and there was nothing I could... once again. So, I did what I do best... I cried, and cried and cried and tried to disappear. The irony, is that, I know all that I have comes from the Lord, so when I saw what was happening I felt so defeated. The Lord gives and well you know the rest. I tried to plead with God to help me but to be honest, I still don't know what I am to do next. The truth is I thought for once God would give me peace. I feel like He has shown me yet another thing I will not have and the worse part is this time I did not care. I just hated that I was not the only one going through hell, but I was the only one who seemed alone. . . Again.
I just had Him... Knowing I had no real choice cause it was either go through hell with or without Him. I decided to seek Him more and came across this book. I will not recommend for the weak of heart. I must have cried for Hadassa like I cried for my self. I am still in-between a rock and a hard place and I am really in need of a His peace. Because well, His will be done. These books are raw and really embodied the true wicked nature of humans, but still showing the Purity of God. May these books bless all who reads them, and May God continue to heal my broken heart. I hope like Hadassa, I will learn to allow the Lord to work in my life and grow to appreciate Him for Who He's is and not for the humans that has hurt me.

The Chosen tv series
Hey family,
See the record-shattering series about Jesus that has a 9.9 on IMDb. Watch full episodes for free, stream on your iPhone or cast to your TV!
The Chosen is the first-ever multi-season TV show about the life of Jesus. Created outside of the Hollywood system, The Chosen allows us to see Him through the eyes of those who knew Him. No matter where you are in your journey with Jesus Christ, this TV show is for you.
I’ve been a believer my whole life, I’ve attended Christian schools my whole life, and I’ve heard the stories of Jesus countless times. I’ve also seen every Jesus movie and miniseries ever made, and there have been dozens. So why a new TV show about Jesus?
Because I have a passion for people to hear the “old, old story” again … for the very first time. When I see Jesus movies, it’s sometimes hard for me to feel moved or excited. I've heard the stories before, and many Jesus projects just take you from Bible story to Bible story, not spending as much time on the humanity and backstories of all these characters. And they sometimes feel stiff and formal.
So when we started to write a show that explores Jesus through the eyes of those around Him, we were repeatedly moved and excited. We explored the backstories of Simon Peter, Matthew, Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus, and a few of Jesus’ miracle recipients, and in turn experienced Him in the way they did. We couldn’t help but identify with their recklessness, rough pasts, religious piety, and desperation for life change. And ultimately, their redemption.
One of our favorite responses from an early screening? "The story of Jesus that actually appealed to my teenagers!"
No matter where you’re at in your journey with Christ—whether you’re one of the many people in the gospels who encountered Jesus after a horrific past without Him, or you’re a Nicodemus who’s been a lifelong member of the God team—Jesus proved over and over that we have so much to learn and innumerable traits that need change.
We hope this show allows you to see Jesus as they did. The end of the trailer tells you how to watch this show right now.

Your movie Review Here
Hey family,
It is so hard to find good true Christian media in this world so here is a safe place to recommend and review christian book or movies that has touched you.
Romans 12:2 ESV
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.